Monday, November 15, 2010

Zach, 3 1/2 and Jake 16 months

We had a great summer and fall! We did a lot of swimming in our pool, went to the Pumpkin Patch, went trick-or-treating in Downtown McKinney, enjoyed the Texas State Fair and saw the dinosaurs at Heard Nature Trail.!

Zach is 3 1/2 and likes to watch movies, play computer games, playing with cars and truck, and playing baseball. He recently gave up the tee and is hitting dad's pitches! He likes to read book, too. Zach is very thoughtful and polite with his friends and Jake.

Jake is 16 months and is just beginning to say a few words. His first word was look. He has learned sign language at school and is doing well with his signs. He is a happy little guy! He laughs very easily and gives the best hugs and kisses. He loves to throw the football and screams football every time he sees it on TV!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jake, age 1 year, having a good time with Dad!

Zach, 3 years old, singing The Continent Song!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And Jake makes four

So it's been a long time since I last updated this blog. Since the last entry we have welcomed Jacob Eugene Trout into the family. He was born on July 1st, 2009 weighing in at 6 lbs and just 18 inches long. He is now 2 1/2 months old and is smiling a bunch and squealing too! He's a pretty easy baby so far. At his two month check-up he weighed 11 1/2 pouunds and was 22 inches long.

It's been fun to watch Zach, who is now 2 years old, with Jake. He is so sweet with him. He's been a great big brother and a huge help. He told the kids at school yesterday to "Be nice to his brother" which I thought was hysterical. Zach is a man on a mission. He is a very determined, talkative, and funny little guy. Over the past month or so he has really been talking up a storm. He makes complete sentences and his inflections are priceless!

We took the boys on a Summer road trip to Illinois and to Michigan. We drove 3,000 miles and had a great time. Zach watched Finding Nemo about 100 times. Thank god for portable DVD players. Zach had fun riding the tractors and lawn mowers with Grandpa! I think Grandpa had a pretty good time, too! We were able to visit with quite a few family members, have a campfire, go out with Erin in Evansville, and we met Cole, my nephew, who is 5 1/2 months old. What a handsome and smiley boy!

Matt and I have put our house on the market and are looking to build in McKinney, which is just north of Dallas. Our fingers are crossed that our house sells before we lose out on the new one!

Well, it's back to work for me next week so I will do my best to keep this updated, but I am not making any promises!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Zach, 19 and 20 months

So, mom has kind of been slacking with this whole blog thing. Finally, a new update! Well, Christmas came and went. Grandma and Grandpa Trout were in town with Aunt Erin to celebrate. Zach got way too many toys, but enjoyed every minute of it. He's saying lots of words, of which, his favorite is "no". Dad and mom are busy preparing for another little one to join the family in July.

Grandpa reading Twas the Night before Chistmas to Zach.

Dad and Zach playing with their Light Sabres Grandma and Grandpa got them.

Grandma and Zach enjoying some R & R.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Almost 18 months

Well, a lot has happened since we last wrote. We took Zach to the pumpkin patch to pick out his pumpkin. He rode in an old John Deere wagon around the patch! He had a blast trying to pick up all the pumpkins. We still think he is going to be a furniture mover when he grows up!

Halloween was awesome! Zach chose not to wear his hat to complete his outfit, but nonetheless, he rocked the Incredible Hulk costume. We worked on the phrase "trick-or-treat" for a month leading up to Halloween. We went to a few houses and Zach never said the key phrase, but he picked out his own candy and put it in his bucket. We got back to our house , walked up to the front door and Zach yells trick-or-treat! It was hysterical. The timing couldn't have been better! A true classic!

Grandma Gwyn was in town and we did all sorts of things. We took Zach to get his first haircut. He did great. In fact, when it was over he wanted to get back in the chair! They spiked it all up and he was lookin' tough! We also went to the aquarium. It is a beautiful aquarium with lots to see. We saw a huge octopus, otters at feeding time, a tunnel where the sharks swam over your head. A fun Sunday morning.

Zach says a lot of words now. Too many to list. He is obsessed with an old pair of sunglasses of mine that he broke. There aren't any lens, but he wears them around the house all the time! He's our little professor!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Zach turned 16 months old and is busier than ever! He nows gives hi-5's, scales his high chair, and chases the cat. Yep! He's all boy. Make no mistake about it! He likes to look at books, throw objects across the room and eat often.
Mom and Zach have been trying to find fun activities to do when Dad's at work. We blow up balloons, finger paint, go to Ms. Sarah's pool, and draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Mom is only so creative so if you have any ideas, please send them our way!