Saturday, September 22, 2007

4 months old

Today marks 4 months since Zach was born. We can barely remember our lives without him. He's on his third day of rice cereal. He's actually doing quite well. When you put him on his belly now he tries to pull his knees underneath him. We think he's trying to get on the move. We're not sure if we're ready for that yet though!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

3 months old

So, Zach is 3 months old already. He weighs just over 14 lbs. and is 25 inches long. He smiles all the time and is such an easy baby! He can stand up solid as rock just holding your pinkies. He's an incredibly strong little boy. Zach sleeps anywhere from 6 to 9 hours at night now. He's eating 6 ounces and we're getting ready to bump him up to 7 ounces.

Grandpa and Grandma Trout came to Dallas to stay with Matt while Beth went to Michigan for her cousin, Shawn's, wedding. Grandpa Terry had to head back to Illinois, but Grandma Cindy was able to stay another whole week. Zach and Grandma spent everyday together. They read books, watched Sesame Street, and talked. Zach found his voice while Grandma was in town. It's been fun to listen to his screeches and screams.