Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Zach 13 months

So, don't mind the date on the pictures. Apparently, we failed to input the correct date on the camera!

Anyhow, Zach is now 13 months old. He is walking around the house like he's been walking for years! He has 4 teeth with a 5th one just breaking through. He has defiitely started babbling a lot more since he turned 1. He sort of says "night-night" and he said "bye-bye" for the 1st time today, two different times! Once for me as we were leaving daycare and then for Matt this evening. Very exciting day for us!

Zach slept through his first 4th of July fireworks. Well, he did see a few when we woke him up to leave the party! Matt and Zach came out to mom's ski show along with Uncle Jason and Stephanie. It was nearly 100 degrees, but they all stuck it out.

Zach and mom are headed to Michigan on Saturday to spend time with the family. We're packed and ready to go. We are looking forward to hanging out on the lake and getting as much R & R as a mom and a 1-year old can!