Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Our trip to Illinois 6/27-7/3

The family took it's first road trip to see Grandpa and Grandma Trout in Illinois. Zach was a very good traveling partner! He slept most of the way. While we were up north Zach met his great-grandpa and both great-grandma's, his Aunt Erin, and even his great-great grandma! The picture is of five generations (Great-grandma Cherry, Mam-Maw, Grandpa Terry, Matt and Zach).

Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Terry took Zach overnight while Matt and Beth went out in Evansville with Aunt Erin. We are very thankful for the night out on the town. Matt was able to sing kakaoke and we danced until 3 am!

Zach rolled over for the first time while we were there. Aunt Erin, Grandma Cindy and mom all were witnesses. He then rolled over again that afternoon. We are anxiously awaiting for Dad to see Zach's new skill!

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