Sunday, November 4, 2007

First Halloween

Zach is 5 months old now. He weighs 18 pounds and is solid as a rock. The pediatrician says he's a baby hulk! He puts anything and everything in his mouth. For the most part he is sleeping through the night!

We went to New Orleans at the end of October for our friend Jen's wedding. Zach stayed with Aunt Becky and Uncle John. It was a nice weekend for us to get away and we are truly grateful John and Becky said they'd watch him. They had their hands full with 4 kids over the weekend!

So, October 31st rolls around and Beth can't wait to take Zach trick-or-treating! She put him in his costume and gave him a bottle. Big mistake! He ended up sleeping through the whole thing! The one night he decided to go to bed at 6:00 pm and it's Halloween! Anyhow, we did get some good pictures of him as a sleeping dinosaur.

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