Saturday, January 19, 2008

Eight months have passed since Zach arrived. He's now crawling on all fours and climbing all over your lap and off the couch! He sleeps through the night most of the time. He has found his voice, and we won't be surprised if he's talking non-stop sooner rather than later. He babbles constantly! We couldn't have asked for a happier baby. He truly has stayed very mild-mannered. We just wonder how long will it last? We think he's just storing up so when he goes wild as a 2 year old we can say, "Remember when he was such a mellow baby!"

We started taking classes at Gymboree on Saturdays. Today was our first day and we all had a blast! Mom, Dad and Zach played games and sang songs together (don't tell Matt I wrote that)! Zach looked like he was having a good time. He spit up a few times, but what's new! He was the youngest one by a month, but he hung in there with the other kids and played right beside them. We took home lots of ideas for new games to play.

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